Watering around 4 times every year with distilled water depends on moss condition. The lid on your jar allows water to cycle itself within your terrarium and retain proper humidity levels, so be sure to leave it on otherwise. You do not want to see more than a little bit of moisture on the interior glass – if excess water droplets build up, remove the lid to evaporate, then replace.
Even when you have reached this terrarium bliss and do not need to mist as often, it is still important that you open the lid every few weeks to allow fresh air in. Do remember to replace the lid or your moss will dry up very quickly.
You need to avoid putting it in direct sunlight – this can lead to too much humidity, and mold development. However, although most varieties of moss thrive in shade in their natural habitats, when indoors they grow best in bright artificial light (great for offices!) or indirect sunlight. Shady spots indoors are okay too.
Just like with any live plants, it is normal for some areas of your terrarium to thrive and others to need trimming or perhaps replacement. Trim away any pieces that are getting too long (nice work!) to promote fuller re-growth.