One of the best things in life is, seeing a smile on a child’s face and knowing that you put it there.” And if you want to keep that smile, as brilliant as a rainbow, why not include some rainbow table trees in the birthday party?
It is an important opportunity for children to learn how to mix and match different colors through making rainbow patterns with color sand. Besides, children develop better eye-hand coordination and focus more effectively when provided the freedom to create. Lastly, the step of cultivating living plants into small pots equips children with simple planting knowledge.

Package for 15 HKD3000
Each additional $180
Suitable for 4 years old or above
Duration : 60mins + Set up 30mins
Package including:
• 90 x 70mm plastic pot
• Materials: a 3” plastic container x 15 pcs , live plants, soils, pebbles, decoration accessories, aprons and all tools needed.
• Workshop set up
• Art instructor Ratio (1:10)
• Standard packaging
• 90 x 70mm plastic pot
• Materials: a 3” plastic container x 15 pcs , live plants, soils, pebbles, decoration accessories, aprons and all tools needed.
• Workshop set up
• Art instructor Ratio (1:10)
• Standard packaging